Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yeeeah I got a Job. ^_^

Gonna have money in the bank :]
and the manager was talking it being transferable where I'm going to college. When she said that I was like, That just made my day
But really that saves a whole load off my back if I do get to.

I found a car that I kinda like and is relatively good for what it is so... we shall see....

Friday, June 12, 2009

It's interesting

another thing it's crazy cool sad bullshit stupid amazing confusing weird great how people can be

you've got one end :
you think after 11 years of being friends with someone that you think you know them and bam! they're hella fake.

another end:
a person can just have the greatest connection with you and you just plain don't like them, dont like anythng about their lifestyle, their habits, the people they surround themselves with, and your just not attracted to them. but man what a duo you would make and yet being blunt about it, the person still is willing to call you everyday.

another end.
you could be such a great person in someones eyes but they'll never see it.

another end.
there are people out there that are that shallow. note to self: stay away

another end:
there's people you can just meet but you feel like you've known each other forever.


summers here and I finally got my license!!! anyways time to hit up the clubs yeeee.

oh well this summer after my whole sore throat business is done is gonna he tight. but man I needs job

About Me

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Hello! I'm a college student. I am studying for what I've always wanted to do (write) and what will keep me learning (teach)