Thursday, July 16, 2009

Moving Out Moving On Living life


College is coming up quick and summers is almost over, I am slowly getting ready and haven't even began to say goodbye. I have gotten quite comfortable with my life here and love the people that are in my life. I am not sure when I got that hit of reality, or if I even quite actually. Perhaps it was when my groups Jefa pointed to me and asked, this is going to be your last ceremony, right?

Well recently I had started buying things here and there that I think you add to my apartment, like this.... heart, its all pretty and carved.

(I got bored)

I am really anxious about college, I have all those what ifs running through my head and I am going to be sad to leaving all of my friends that I have grown so accustomed to. I am really going to miss them, but I super do hope that two of them do transfer to my school like they have been thinking about =D

well i had better enjoy the time i have left, and my birthday coming up!!!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

nevada, Utah, Arizona, new Mexico :)

so I went on a weeklong trip through the southwest with family. while in zion, Utah I had for the first time in a long time been in my writing mindset. it felt good but I had no pencil and paper, again. blah but oh well. it had been so long since I been in that mood, that I forgot how great it feels. I totally miss it. like writing always puts me in the best, I don't want to saymoods but idno letting out my creativity. yaknow?

well also for the first time In a long time I dreamed. hella. from the moment I closed my eyes it seemed. but only in Zion and the grand canyon did I dream like that. that was real nice. and the stars hella beautiful. beats the hell outta calis stars. but oh man I surely do enjoy sacs great water.

I finished choke and am like more then 3/4 the way done with the palace of illusions.

I so can't wait to go back to Aztec dancing practice Monday :)
and I had a really nice night hanging out with vince last night

las vegas... yeh. im not 21. but it's quite interesting... otherwise...

ohoh beatles love ( cirque du soliel) was fantastic!! nough said hehe

hiking in Zion was prolly the funnest we had to go through this river but it got late and we had to race the light and watch out for flash floods, oh man that was scary but totally fun.

arizona Hopi reservation was interesting, right when we got there my uncle took us to new Mexico just hella random but yeah. then there was this kid that was like this is what u acheive with work ( to james) and shit. like suggesting we were lazy or something like weird comments all evening haha I'm like okay kid.


About Me

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Hello! I'm a college student. I am studying for what I've always wanted to do (write) and what will keep me learning (teach)