Monday, September 28, 2009

If I was a sailor...

So I guess I should do one of those update posts :]

So college...

Yeah These are the notes I took this morning in my communications class, no joke

Well, First I'd like to say I have butterflies :]
Its been like what,.. 6weeks? into college??
Yeah I had an anatomy exam boy did I study, yeah turns out my hs anatomy teacher is amazing her exams were harder and she definitely prepared me for this course. Go her <3

Now as far as people go, I've got one friend friend. She sure is something haha She's hella funny though so yeah.

For a week or so I started gaining that freshman 15 but yeah idk I need to go to that nice gym they just built.
I went to a cafe, they had flies climbing over the muffins and the guy behind the counter hella popped up behind the counter, creepy, but then again i did that once.

Its safe to say I ended up going to starbucks. yummy

I also have gone to this other cafe, the guy working has a cool tattoo of a lighthouse. Secretly I wanna be his friend and call him lighthouse. Is that creepy?

Oh I went through another genre change; hello nevershoutnever!

meeting people slowly its fine.

I really love my hair, but I need a trim :/ I love how I unintentional got a transitional haircut, I can go from betty page bangs to sideswept bangs love it, BUT my betty page bangs need a trim so I'm stuck with just the sideswept for now. Uh now tell me how many people can choose between two hairstyles on a day to day basis wooh.

What else do I got to say. Idk I got a smile on my face like a fool or is it just the coffee?

Oh no! I have to present a speech on abortion on Friday!!! aaahhh wish me luck imaginary audience!!!!

Marissa <3

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Okay Puuhhhlleasee gimme feedback for these ones because I'm thinking of submitting these for the CN&R contest :]

You say,
The old me has been lost and gone away
As if pieces of me have broken off
But I say the old me is still in my heart
Because there is no way to tell the old
And new me apart
You say I’ve changed
But I say darling I’ve always stayed the same
Just as
Seas are the same seas with different fish from day to day
Yet the same buoys still sway on ocean waves
Just as
The sun is the same sun
Traveling around the world
Yet coming back to bring a new day


Cut through the wood and hit the bone
accidental flesh split for my eyes alone
stuttering and hesitating to remember the skills
I have yet to hone
perform the hemicorporectomy
continue through and keep the blood from seeping
hide the evidence and try to keep from weeping

~This poem actually was in elaboration to good ol' Sage Francis' line "And Every assistant I ever had got sawed in half" I wrote actually my first week of college but I just finished it now


At night I dream of seven seas and of infiltrating secret agencies
But my best talent?
They call me daydreamer for a reason
You see, I just cannot hold on to reality
I fly by on not my bike but on a homemade kite
Way far above the reach of any naysayers
I continue on my way seeing blood red trees, the suns smiling at me
On the streets I race giant beasts that breathe poison out fiercely
And at night I float on my bed made of leaves
Waiting for tomorrows newest daydreams

Wrote this at midnight

Whats a girl to do - by Marissa Alvarado

As I sit here in my dimly lit kitchen I wonder
Oh how I wish:
For red crimson golden fiery flames all around me
The thousand heads slain right where this very building lay
The sparkling blue waves carrying my ship to the end
The end of the earth where
Fire sprouts from my cannons and damsels are saved from dragons
I find the treasure and finally measure my life accomplishments
In tattoos, of anchors and knights of passions and rights
Yet In my living room
The war is a stalemate between I and the ants that
Threatening with their armies
To wage wars of sieges with nothing but them and me and this water bottle
Only this is my 7 year ant war in full throttle

How's college going, have you met a bunch of friends, what about those wild partayss woohh!!

My heart is as a land mind
beating steadily and heavily
tugged down mightily
voices outside my window tell tales
of assimilation, midnight laughs on the sidewalk
That I myself have yet to experience here
Stand tall and proud
No, I can't admit it
sitting alone in a room full of three hundred.
Voices all around and not one destined
for my own ears
Adverted eyes, adverted minds
Yeah. College is just Fine.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


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* My Notes
* Notes About Me
* Drafts

No Time for Hate
Monday, September 7, 2009 at 4:18pm | Edit Note | Delete
Ok guys I tend to be a little shy about sharing my writing but here you go. Please tell me if you hate it and why, or if you love it idk. I could use constructive criticism. Plz and Thnx lol >.<

If you find typos do tell too

Ignorance threatens to take away my identity
As if to unpaint a painted picture with prejudice
Yet hurtful words only make them stronger
Each brandished slur is an inch added to my wide open eyes
Each sling of razor sharp profanities add color to my skin
While cocked back fully loaded tongues, ready to fire
Words reaching out to pull red lips to arch down
They only rise higher
Because I take those blank faces and color them different
I color them dangerous
Dangerous to side slated shifting conservative eyes
Dangerous, they will rip away the voice that demands
“This is what defines you”
I pull it right out of the vocal cords
Dangerous, we will stand up and demand
“Well who the hell are you to...”
With life packaged tight in black and white labeled boxes
Who the hell are you to force that upon me?
When I am neither black and white nor white and black
When I contain the whole spectrum that shielded eyes refuse to see
If you don’t see the whole me then please just don’t see me
Because I am a new breed
Struggling for a place all my own yet happily so, all alone
Away from hands that wipe away change from stranger’s eyes

~Love Marissa Alvarado


If I couldn't help that I smile more than frown
and laugh after every word that came out
would you pick a tough girl instead of me,
who likes to pout
If I couldn't help that my voice gets slightly higher
when I call your name
This is simply something I couldn't tame
would you pick a girl with sharp claws and wild mane
would my flimsy arm decrease your love for me?
If I couldn't help that my smile is large
but my teeth are dull
would you hand me sandpaper and ask me to sharpen them
or would you look at my eyes and pick them for what they were
If I couldn't help that my eyes smile with my mouth
would you pick them instead of someone else
If I couldn't help that I am unlike any other
would you take me instead of another

About Me

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Hello! I'm a college student. I am studying for what I've always wanted to do (write) and what will keep me learning (teach)