Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Okay Puuhhhlleasee gimme feedback for these ones because I'm thinking of submitting these for the CN&R contest :]

You say,
The old me has been lost and gone away
As if pieces of me have broken off
But I say the old me is still in my heart
Because there is no way to tell the old
And new me apart
You say I’ve changed
But I say darling I’ve always stayed the same
Just as
Seas are the same seas with different fish from day to day
Yet the same buoys still sway on ocean waves
Just as
The sun is the same sun
Traveling around the world
Yet coming back to bring a new day


Cut through the wood and hit the bone
accidental flesh split for my eyes alone
stuttering and hesitating to remember the skills
I have yet to hone
perform the hemicorporectomy
continue through and keep the blood from seeping
hide the evidence and try to keep from weeping

~This poem actually was in elaboration to good ol' Sage Francis' line "And Every assistant I ever had got sawed in half" I wrote actually my first week of college but I just finished it now


At night I dream of seven seas and of infiltrating secret agencies
But my best talent?
They call me daydreamer for a reason
You see, I just cannot hold on to reality
I fly by on not my bike but on a homemade kite
Way far above the reach of any naysayers
I continue on my way seeing blood red trees, the suns smiling at me
On the streets I race giant beasts that breathe poison out fiercely
And at night I float on my bed made of leaves
Waiting for tomorrows newest daydreams

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Hello! I'm a college student. I am studying for what I've always wanted to do (write) and what will keep me learning (teach)