Sunday, September 13, 2009


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No Time for Hate
Monday, September 7, 2009 at 4:18pm | Edit Note | Delete
Ok guys I tend to be a little shy about sharing my writing but here you go. Please tell me if you hate it and why, or if you love it idk. I could use constructive criticism. Plz and Thnx lol >.<

If you find typos do tell too

Ignorance threatens to take away my identity
As if to unpaint a painted picture with prejudice
Yet hurtful words only make them stronger
Each brandished slur is an inch added to my wide open eyes
Each sling of razor sharp profanities add color to my skin
While cocked back fully loaded tongues, ready to fire
Words reaching out to pull red lips to arch down
They only rise higher
Because I take those blank faces and color them different
I color them dangerous
Dangerous to side slated shifting conservative eyes
Dangerous, they will rip away the voice that demands
“This is what defines you”
I pull it right out of the vocal cords
Dangerous, we will stand up and demand
“Well who the hell are you to...”
With life packaged tight in black and white labeled boxes
Who the hell are you to force that upon me?
When I am neither black and white nor white and black
When I contain the whole spectrum that shielded eyes refuse to see
If you don’t see the whole me then please just don’t see me
Because I am a new breed
Struggling for a place all my own yet happily so, all alone
Away from hands that wipe away change from stranger’s eyes

~Love Marissa Alvarado

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About Me

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Hello! I'm a college student. I am studying for what I've always wanted to do (write) and what will keep me learning (teach)