Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sleep Time

Gonna go bug my cute boyfriend.

Well through text, for now. :)

Shimmy on down

I have created a new blog just for my writing. So I don't have to shuffle through a bunch of posts trying to show people my work, quickly before they find something more flashy with bright lights to pay attention to. If you know what I mean. So this will simply be just updates and the random babble that comes out of my fingers on occasion from day to day.

Shimmy on down to :

And have a blast.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My new obsession

Apparently my newest obsession is baking, well I can't say newest cause I get into moments where I have baked a lot. But it wasn't until now that I have been wanting to get more creative with my baking and expand my skills. The males ( I say males and not guy cause it includes my brother) in my life are very happy about this. I have been constantly going through blogs and site looking for something that doesn't reach too far beyond my budget, yet it seems more and more that if I want to get creative I am going to have to buy more supplies that would normal not have a use. In addition I am already running out of flour and sugar as it is. I am thinking of adding another blog to keep track of all the recipes I have been collecting and take pictures of the ones that I make, as well as little tweaks that I make. Sounds good. I'm excited, I wish my school offered a course in baking.

The only problem is budget, I would love to just bake these and give them away but I can not afford that, and I surely can not eat all these myself.

Little wish-list to myself for Christmas

- A fun cookbook
- Butt load of cooking supplies i.e. nutmeg, vanilla, powdered sugar, flour, rolling pin.


Wrote another poem tell me how it is:

A top hits the table,
the forceful first spin sending it into a fearless frenzy
tip to wood gliding intimately against one another
yet after the initial pull
it finds fear in every second later
it may crash down hard against the once supportive table
perhaps to the ground, out of control and losing it all
Now every dizzy moment is spent
anticipating the end
bumping roughly against guiding hands
held up by the wooden table
threatened by the edges
hug onto those corners for dear life sweet spinning top
for any mistake could spell the end

Red Handed

The other day, caught someone starring from across the room.
It's always weird when you're minding your own business and then all of a sudden you find yourself unconsciously turning around into the eyes of someone else. Especially when you are sitting right next to your boyfriend. Oh well.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Wrote this spontaneously and has thus been abandoned

I wake to realize that every smile and sweet feeling was nothing but a dream that continued when I lay my head down each night, pausing only for the calling sun. I come to realize that means that true life must be emptiness, without the colors of light and early morning skies painting my walls and those closest to me were nothing but a wish from inside my mind. Looking around, there is a tinge of darkness that fills the room, even when the sun shines through my window, highlighting those little dust molecule rays floating in the air, it seems to be unsaturated as if the color has been drained out by a pin or a needle. What else is there to do then but shrug it off and lay back down on this drool stained pillow.
As I do,my world comes back to me, that ever present field always lush and green, the grass that seems to go on forever and sways in the wind like ocean waves, it never seems to grow too tall yet it never seems to wither away. Beyond in a distance, that lovely house, it must be my home. I dream of it constantly so then it must be mine, right? Well its pink for starters, that rustic pink that seems to be just barely clinging onto the two story walls, oh and my favorite part. I never remember what this darn thing is called, the window, it is pushed and you can sit on the edge and look out of it anytime you want, I just adore it. This house, it sit under the most luxurious tree, with beautiful thick branches that shoot out powerfully, holding the wright of green leaves and plump acorns. They seem to reach so high, I'm sure they converse with the clouds on a daily basis, I'm sure of it. Yes this home of mine, I can always walk up to it and feel like an ant compared to its height and I could look at every surface of its outside, and simply be amazed, but when I step inside its marvelous doors. Well, dust is the word that comes to mind. Its a curious little place, a staircase right in the center of the room, the lower lever, I can never seem to remember much of it when I wake, all I know is there sits a staircase smack dab in the middle of it all. When walking up the staircase, creaking under my weight, I peek my head slightly to see the top of the stairs before ascending fully to the second floor, and by now my hands have collected years and years of dust that has settle itself onto the soft white railing. Standing on the top step of the staircase, in the middle of the room mind you, there are four rooms, vacant. One room though, to my right has a simple light pink crib, it hasn't been moved in years and bares cob webs where the rocking would have chased them away. That too, is in the center of the room. The other rooms need not any mentioning because they are completely vacant except for the dust that is overpowering the home holding the floors hostage, taking control of the air, making any trespasser cough and choke on brave dust soldiers.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Did it hurt

When you fell, From he-eeaven

Got that song in my head all day:]

Recently I saw a person around campus and thought I want to be their friend I don't know why but I do. Funny I should mention that on my aimless walk around campus by myself today. I walked right past him, so I said hi, let's just say it was really awkward and he just looked at me. And I realized that he looked a lot like my friend from a few years ago. Needless to say I ended up just saying sorry and walking off.

So its fall and the cold is coming, did I mention that I wither in the cold? Its not my fave, but I must say, this weather right now is fantastic, and a much needed change. Its going to be easier to get around without sweating constantly.

Monday, September 28, 2009

If I was a sailor...

So I guess I should do one of those update posts :]

So college...

Yeah These are the notes I took this morning in my communications class, no joke

Well, First I'd like to say I have butterflies :]
Its been like what,.. 6weeks? into college??
Yeah I had an anatomy exam boy did I study, yeah turns out my hs anatomy teacher is amazing her exams were harder and she definitely prepared me for this course. Go her <3

Now as far as people go, I've got one friend friend. She sure is something haha She's hella funny though so yeah.

For a week or so I started gaining that freshman 15 but yeah idk I need to go to that nice gym they just built.
I went to a cafe, they had flies climbing over the muffins and the guy behind the counter hella popped up behind the counter, creepy, but then again i did that once.

Its safe to say I ended up going to starbucks. yummy

I also have gone to this other cafe, the guy working has a cool tattoo of a lighthouse. Secretly I wanna be his friend and call him lighthouse. Is that creepy?

Oh I went through another genre change; hello nevershoutnever!

meeting people slowly its fine.

I really love my hair, but I need a trim :/ I love how I unintentional got a transitional haircut, I can go from betty page bangs to sideswept bangs love it, BUT my betty page bangs need a trim so I'm stuck with just the sideswept for now. Uh now tell me how many people can choose between two hairstyles on a day to day basis wooh.

What else do I got to say. Idk I got a smile on my face like a fool or is it just the coffee?

Oh no! I have to present a speech on abortion on Friday!!! aaahhh wish me luck imaginary audience!!!!

Marissa <3

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Okay Puuhhhlleasee gimme feedback for these ones because I'm thinking of submitting these for the CN&R contest :]

You say,
The old me has been lost and gone away
As if pieces of me have broken off
But I say the old me is still in my heart
Because there is no way to tell the old
And new me apart
You say I’ve changed
But I say darling I’ve always stayed the same
Just as
Seas are the same seas with different fish from day to day
Yet the same buoys still sway on ocean waves
Just as
The sun is the same sun
Traveling around the world
Yet coming back to bring a new day


Cut through the wood and hit the bone
accidental flesh split for my eyes alone
stuttering and hesitating to remember the skills
I have yet to hone
perform the hemicorporectomy
continue through and keep the blood from seeping
hide the evidence and try to keep from weeping

~This poem actually was in elaboration to good ol' Sage Francis' line "And Every assistant I ever had got sawed in half" I wrote actually my first week of college but I just finished it now


At night I dream of seven seas and of infiltrating secret agencies
But my best talent?
They call me daydreamer for a reason
You see, I just cannot hold on to reality
I fly by on not my bike but on a homemade kite
Way far above the reach of any naysayers
I continue on my way seeing blood red trees, the suns smiling at me
On the streets I race giant beasts that breathe poison out fiercely
And at night I float on my bed made of leaves
Waiting for tomorrows newest daydreams

Wrote this at midnight

Whats a girl to do - by Marissa Alvarado

As I sit here in my dimly lit kitchen I wonder
Oh how I wish:
For red crimson golden fiery flames all around me
The thousand heads slain right where this very building lay
The sparkling blue waves carrying my ship to the end
The end of the earth where
Fire sprouts from my cannons and damsels are saved from dragons
I find the treasure and finally measure my life accomplishments
In tattoos, of anchors and knights of passions and rights
Yet In my living room
The war is a stalemate between I and the ants that
Threatening with their armies
To wage wars of sieges with nothing but them and me and this water bottle
Only this is my 7 year ant war in full throttle

How's college going, have you met a bunch of friends, what about those wild partayss woohh!!

My heart is as a land mind
beating steadily and heavily
tugged down mightily
voices outside my window tell tales
of assimilation, midnight laughs on the sidewalk
That I myself have yet to experience here
Stand tall and proud
No, I can't admit it
sitting alone in a room full of three hundred.
Voices all around and not one destined
for my own ears
Adverted eyes, adverted minds
Yeah. College is just Fine.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


View: Full | Compact

* My Notes
* Notes About Me
* Drafts

No Time for Hate
Monday, September 7, 2009 at 4:18pm | Edit Note | Delete
Ok guys I tend to be a little shy about sharing my writing but here you go. Please tell me if you hate it and why, or if you love it idk. I could use constructive criticism. Plz and Thnx lol >.<

If you find typos do tell too

Ignorance threatens to take away my identity
As if to unpaint a painted picture with prejudice
Yet hurtful words only make them stronger
Each brandished slur is an inch added to my wide open eyes
Each sling of razor sharp profanities add color to my skin
While cocked back fully loaded tongues, ready to fire
Words reaching out to pull red lips to arch down
They only rise higher
Because I take those blank faces and color them different
I color them dangerous
Dangerous to side slated shifting conservative eyes
Dangerous, they will rip away the voice that demands
“This is what defines you”
I pull it right out of the vocal cords
Dangerous, we will stand up and demand
“Well who the hell are you to...”
With life packaged tight in black and white labeled boxes
Who the hell are you to force that upon me?
When I am neither black and white nor white and black
When I contain the whole spectrum that shielded eyes refuse to see
If you don’t see the whole me then please just don’t see me
Because I am a new breed
Struggling for a place all my own yet happily so, all alone
Away from hands that wipe away change from stranger’s eyes

~Love Marissa Alvarado


If I couldn't help that I smile more than frown
and laugh after every word that came out
would you pick a tough girl instead of me,
who likes to pout
If I couldn't help that my voice gets slightly higher
when I call your name
This is simply something I couldn't tame
would you pick a girl with sharp claws and wild mane
would my flimsy arm decrease your love for me?
If I couldn't help that my smile is large
but my teeth are dull
would you hand me sandpaper and ask me to sharpen them
or would you look at my eyes and pick them for what they were
If I couldn't help that my eyes smile with my mouth
would you pick them instead of someone else
If I couldn't help that I am unlike any other
would you take me instead of another

Monday, August 31, 2009

New frowns or lack of

This place, this apartment this city these walls
they're finally my own but
with new town brings new frowns and
new sounds or lack of
when you miss your old road not like the ones here that
threaten you
the buses that run you off the road
New rounds with new friends or the lack of
Nothing but strangers with
pretty faces walk by
painted up with smiles but behind
are the same frowns for new towns
the same walls that
we both are both too shy to penetrate
New food or the lack of
when you are as attached to your hometowns food as I am
hardly anything can supplement but
that place looks interesting and
new memories or lack of
when your stuck missin all those late nigh missions
Its time to get out of the past and
move on to find
there are things to do and see and
new people to meet
in this new town that brings new frowns but
also brings new sounds, new crowds, new rounds, new foods, new friends new memories and
new smiles.

Love it hate it?



Okay I'm so goofing around with this one, I went to for this cause I don't rhyme... So love it hate it tell me ~ peace

I've never been one to
rhyme very well like say, you
but here now is my attempt, -u
please tell me if you like it
if not i might just have to spike it

take the bait
go in the crate
follow your fate
Don't go forward but go straight
Don't gain weight
or we might have to to ship you in a crate
Don't like it then debate
Don't mind cause I got my armor plate
ad my salad plate as a sheild?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Moving Out Moving On Living life


College is coming up quick and summers is almost over, I am slowly getting ready and haven't even began to say goodbye. I have gotten quite comfortable with my life here and love the people that are in my life. I am not sure when I got that hit of reality, or if I even quite actually. Perhaps it was when my groups Jefa pointed to me and asked, this is going to be your last ceremony, right?

Well recently I had started buying things here and there that I think you add to my apartment, like this.... heart, its all pretty and carved.

(I got bored)

I am really anxious about college, I have all those what ifs running through my head and I am going to be sad to leaving all of my friends that I have grown so accustomed to. I am really going to miss them, but I super do hope that two of them do transfer to my school like they have been thinking about =D

well i had better enjoy the time i have left, and my birthday coming up!!!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

nevada, Utah, Arizona, new Mexico :)

so I went on a weeklong trip through the southwest with family. while in zion, Utah I had for the first time in a long time been in my writing mindset. it felt good but I had no pencil and paper, again. blah but oh well. it had been so long since I been in that mood, that I forgot how great it feels. I totally miss it. like writing always puts me in the best, I don't want to saymoods but idno letting out my creativity. yaknow?

well also for the first time In a long time I dreamed. hella. from the moment I closed my eyes it seemed. but only in Zion and the grand canyon did I dream like that. that was real nice. and the stars hella beautiful. beats the hell outta calis stars. but oh man I surely do enjoy sacs great water.

I finished choke and am like more then 3/4 the way done with the palace of illusions.

I so can't wait to go back to Aztec dancing practice Monday :)
and I had a really nice night hanging out with vince last night

las vegas... yeh. im not 21. but it's quite interesting... otherwise...

ohoh beatles love ( cirque du soliel) was fantastic!! nough said hehe

hiking in Zion was prolly the funnest we had to go through this river but it got late and we had to race the light and watch out for flash floods, oh man that was scary but totally fun.

arizona Hopi reservation was interesting, right when we got there my uncle took us to new Mexico just hella random but yeah. then there was this kid that was like this is what u acheive with work ( to james) and shit. like suggesting we were lazy or something like weird comments all evening haha I'm like okay kid.


Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yeeeah I got a Job. ^_^

Gonna have money in the bank :]
and the manager was talking it being transferable where I'm going to college. When she said that I was like, That just made my day
But really that saves a whole load off my back if I do get to.

I found a car that I kinda like and is relatively good for what it is so... we shall see....

Friday, June 12, 2009

It's interesting

another thing it's crazy cool sad bullshit stupid amazing confusing weird great how people can be

you've got one end :
you think after 11 years of being friends with someone that you think you know them and bam! they're hella fake.

another end:
a person can just have the greatest connection with you and you just plain don't like them, dont like anythng about their lifestyle, their habits, the people they surround themselves with, and your just not attracted to them. but man what a duo you would make and yet being blunt about it, the person still is willing to call you everyday.

another end.
you could be such a great person in someones eyes but they'll never see it.

another end.
there are people out there that are that shallow. note to self: stay away

another end:
there's people you can just meet but you feel like you've known each other forever.


summers here and I finally got my license!!! anyways time to hit up the clubs yeeee.

oh well this summer after my whole sore throat business is done is gonna he tight. but man I needs job

Friday, May 22, 2009

I am... life is interesting right now. I don't dislike or really like. I just know I have a lot of catching up to do with alot of people before college. summer will be fun.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Candle Light Vigil

We all closed our eyes as the candle wax dripped down and burnt our frozen hands. The wind blew fiercely, licking every flickering light into mere darkness. The sullen music was taken and danced around the field intertwined with the harmonious sounds of the windy night. Girls choked to death and boys swallowed down frogs that dropped down down down the abyss of their stomachs. Drying eyes hugged strangers that doubled as best friends in harrowing times. Mother Nature’s loud bellows drowned out the voices of the sniffling speakers, but told us that he was there. Hugging us, pulling our hair over our eyes.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I may possibly have fallen in like with you;

I just really wanted to say that line.

clean house (or blog)

I am going to pull this blog together! Yeah...

now just to figure out how.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Here we are again

I got excepted to Chico state :]

Started a new college class fiction writing workshop. Already have an idea of what I will write for one of the assignments
I have an idea of something i want to paint and my clay elephant is slowly becoming finished. I can't find any of the stuff that I had currently written :[
I don't write on a computer, I do my best with a pencil and paper. Which I assume would be the same for others who enjoy writing.

Yesterday: " Oh hey! Your not gonna drop out of this class too are you?"
hahahah upon entering my the new classroom I ran into someone from the creative writing class.

Finals this week: I'm done with mine, no school today for me <3

About Me

My photo
Hello! I'm a college student. I am studying for what I've always wanted to do (write) and what will keep me learning (teach)